International Arbitration Services

Arbitration is internationally recognized as the preferred method for settling cross-border disputes.

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Arbitration is internationally recognized as the preferred method for settling cross-border disputes. International arbitration offers significant advantages such as shorter time to resolution, impartiality, adaptability, privacy, and better enforcement prospects compared to litigation in many national courts. Given the trends in global commerce as well as geopolitical challenges, international arbitration remains a vital tool for mitigating risks and ensuring equitable resolutions when cross-border disputes arise.

Comprehensive Arbitration Strategy and Advice

At Carstens, Allen & Gourley, LLP, we provide thoughtful and thorough guidance for integrating international arbitration clauses into your commercial contracts at the negotiation and drafting stage, ensuring your company is strategically positioned for disputes that may arise in the future. Our arbitration attorneys facilitate efficient dispute resolutions, and often use negotiation or mediation efforts to resolve disputes, either before formal arbitration proceedings commence or early in the proceedings.

With numerous choices regarding arbitral institutions, rules, seats, and applicable laws, crafting an appropriate arbitration agreement should be considered appropriately, ideally in the contract negotiating and drafting stage. Our seasoned international arbitration lawyers can help position you for success, from contract formation to the resolution phase, enhancing settlement options and ensuring enforceable outcomes.

Global Reach and Expertise

Our arbitration attorneys bring decades of expertise to the field of international arbitration, representing clients around the globe in resolving complex cross-border disputes. They have handled international arbitration cases in many jurisdictions, including key arbitration hubs such as London, Paris, Singapore, the Hague, and New York. Whether you are facing disputes related to bilateral or multi-party international contracts or intellectual property, we are prepared to vigorously advocate for your interests.

Our arbitration attorneys have acted both as counsel and arbitrators under a number of major institutional and ad hoc arbitration rules, including AA/ICDR, ICC, and UNCITRAL rules.

Highlighting Our Attorneys' International Experience

The firm’s approach to international arbitration involves a strategic application of legal acumen combined with a deep understanding of international commercial law and cultural norms around the world and taking advantage of contacts with counsel and financial experts around the world. Our arbitration attorneys leverage their extensive network of global contacts and partnerships with legal experts worldwide to provide our clients with strategic guidance to achieve favorable outcomes in international arbitration.

Our attorneys have a wealth of relevant international experience to bring to the table, ensuring that our clients receive top-tier representation in their arbitration matters. Our team has a long history of offering specialized legal counsel to clients both in the U.S. and internationally. They have represented clients in complex commercial litigation and arbitration across various jurisdictions. Their extensive experience includes serving as international law experts on issues ranging from U.S. and Texas corporate compliance to international disputes matters under The Hague Treaty to intellectual property disputes.

Our arbitration attorneys are thought leaders in international arbitration and have been called upon to speak about international arbitration. Whether dealing with complex commercial disputes or straightforward contractual disagreements, the firm’s international arbitration services are designed to provide clients with security and assurance in their international dealings.